Our Learning Goals:
With specialized teaching and learning processes that integrate the arts into core academics, TCEA will develop students who are:
- Academically proficient and globally competitive in college and career
- Disciplined to work toward a craft with exceptional skill
- Creative problem solvers
- Respectful, responsible, and resourceful
Teaching Philosophy
The Capitol Encore Academy seeks to develop students who possess both fundamental arts and academic knowledge in addition to 21st century skills, including personal and social responsibility, critical thinking and reasoning, as well as communication and interpersonal skills. The traditional model of passively learning facts and reciting them out of context is no longer sufficient to prepare students for a life of learning and success. TCEA’s teaching philosophy combines strategies proven to benefit children and improve learning, including learning by doing, artful thinking, and excellence in teaching. As an accredited school system in the NC Department of Public Instruction, TCEA’s curriculum is aligned with the common core and the North Carolina Essential Skills.